Milo's mage is down for the count - will Yoko's fare better?!
After seeing the tremendous support from y'all on the last update, I've decided to go ahead and take a small break next week. I don't think I mentioned the additional ER visit we had on top of the fires in the area (for my husband's mutant ingrown toenail), but the exhaustion has been creeping up on me for quite some time.
Admittedly, taking one small one week break every three months instead of one massive one at the end of every chapter is a much more appealing idea, so maybe it will be a tradition that will continue. We'll see how much resting/work I can get done.
In the meantime, I'm taking a poll as to what filler art I should post for y'all during that time.
Cast your vote and/or leave suggestions via Twitter and the comments! I will read and consider all of them.