We're Back.
Posted November 22, 2022 at 12:01 am

WELL. That certainly was a thing that happened. Anyway...
There are a lot of things to tell you about! Here they are:

All of the DotL Side Comics and Reader Questions now have a permanent home here on the official site! You can see the entire archive for all of those by clicking here. You can start reading them all in chronological order here. You can also easily re-access the archive at any time by clicking the link at the very top of the Extras Page. Any future side comics will also be uploaded there for easy viewing. Enjoy!

Likewise, the Chapter 1 Commentary is now available to download in the DotL Store! This eBook contains all the filler that went up during our hiatus, as well as the Tragic Backstory that led to the Commentary's birth (haha). The Price is Pay What You Want, so download it for free or drop us a tip! Just make sure that you have a fun time. :)

Also, Kaylee Has A Slasher Boyfriend: The First Zine, is available for Pay What You Want Pricing on Ko-Fi. I'll also be uploading comics to the official Slasher Boyfriend website when I need a break from DotL. Enjoy!

There's stuff available on my Ko-Fi for Pay What You Want Pricing! Enjoy! Here's a website!

I think that's everything. It's pretty weird that I felt like I wasn't getting a lot done while we weren't able to update; looking all of this stuff... I've been busy after all!

As always, thank you all for reading and your endless support. I'm so excited to make this long wait have a fantastic payoff. We will be taking a break for the holidays, but for now I plan to update every Tuesday per the norm to celebrate our return. It's good to be back. :3